Loot hack

Here to build the world we need,
but don't deserve.

Loot Hack Demo Day - Sept 24, 12pm-1:30pm EST

Loot Swag

Loot Swag is a marketplace for people to trade Loot skins which can be used to dress up their 2D/3D avatars

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Loot Explorer

Simple client for Dom's game idea HelloDungeon.sol. We changed some small parameters and it is deployed on Kovan testnet.

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Loot Mart

Turn your Loot bags into individual Lootmart items to trade and equip your adventurer. The Adventurer supports equipping of erc721 and erc1155 tokens that follow a simple ILootmart standard

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Upgrade Materials

A derivative of amulets that allows adventurers to find and mint magical Upgrade Materials and use them to upgrade their loot. Upgrade Materials are scarce, MEV-resistant, good for the environment and fun. We hope that the Loot community finds amulets as cool as we do because we think there are a lot of other applications where they could be useful for Loot in the future.

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LootGen is a tool that lets anyone make lootbag memes and share them on twitter.

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Battle Loot

The First PvP Game for adventurers: Battle Loot! Inspired by the Loot ethos, a game for adventurers to battle with each other using the rare components in your loot bag.

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A Loot Skin for Web3 Pass

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BlocWars Loot

A set of visual arts for all the Loot NFT using the character design of Onimaru. As there are too many of them, we will showcase the idea and concept of our design.

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